Monday, April 11, 2016

Pesky Plantar Warts

Plantar warts are an annoyance, can be painful, and they can sometimes be tough to get rid of. Dr. Elizabeth E. Auger, DPM treats patients for plantar warts in her West Jordan, UT, Salt Lake City, UT, and Sandy, UT locations.

Plantar warts are small, tough growths that appear on the bottom of your foot. They take on the appearance of a callus with tiny black dots. The wart usually starts out small and grows larger and inward over time. Usually, there will be pain when standing or walking on it. Plantar warts can usually be treated at home, but if the wart reoccurs or multiplies, you will want to see your foot doctor for treatment. You can also choose to have it treated by your doctor if it is very painful or if it is interfering with your daily activities
Plantar warts are caused by a form of the human papillomavirus (HPV). The virus enters the skin through tiny cuts, cracked skin, or wet, softened skin. The strains of HPV that cause plantar warts thrive in warm, moist conditions. Therefore, many people can contract the virus by walking barefoot in public locker rooms or around swimming pools.

There are a couple of different methods for treatment including salicylic acid and cryotherapy. Applying a salicylic acid removes layers of the wart a little at a time. Cryotherapy is a method that freezes and kills the wart tissue so that it falls off. This is also done little bits at a time. Dr. Auger may choose to use both salicylic acid and cryotherapy. For warts that reoccur or are not dissolved by salicylic acid or cryotherapy, there are other acids, immune therapy creams, the HPV vaccine, or minor surgery that can help. However, most warts are effectively removed with salicylic acid or cryotherapy.

If left untreated, plantar warts can grow up to an inch in size and can cause a change in the way you walk. If you have a plantar wart that is difficult to treat or is painful, be sure to schedule an appointment with Dr. Elizabeth E. Auger, DPM. To schedule at her West Jordan, UT location, her Salt Lake City, UT location, or her Sandy, UT location, call (801) 619-2170. More information may be found on our website,

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