Monday, May 16, 2016

Bunions: Causes and Treatments

Bunions can cause discomfort, pain, and they can even change the way you walk. Unfortunately, bunions are common conditions. Fortunately, Dr. Elizabeth E. Auger, DPM is able to diagnose and treat bunions here in her West Jordan, UT, Salt Lake City, UT, and Sandy, UT locations.

A bunion is a bone formation usually located on the inside of the foot by the big toe’s first joint. It is possible to develop a bunion on the other side of the foot by the little toe’s first joint (called a tailor’s bunion). The formation is an abnormal bump that is red, sore, and inflamed. They can develop large enough to cause major pain. When being irritated, they can also become swollen and patients may experience a burning sensation. A bunion may also stiffen the joint.

Bunions are commonly caused by wearing inappropriate shoes. Shoes that do not allow enough room for the toes and high heels are often the culprits. When the toe joint is continually being pushed inward, that is when the joint begins to deform. Along with ill-fitting shoes, other factors in the formation of bunions include injuries, arthritis, and inheritance of a certain foot type.

There are several conservative treatments for slowing down the formation of a bunion and relieving the pain it causes. Wearing more supportive shoes will be the first step. Choose shoes that allow space for all of the toes. In addition, do not wear shoes with a tall heel or even switch to no heels at all if your foot is still being bothered. In addition to well-fitting shoes, orthotic insoles or custom orthotic insoles can help. Dr. Auger can help you choose the right orthotic for your unique condition. Padding and splinting inside of the shoe can also help move the toe joint back into place. Anti-inflammatories and ice are good for relieving pain and swelling.

If you are showing signs of a bunion, be sure to schedule an appointment with Dr. Elizabeth E. Auger, DPM so she can diagnose you, help you determine the factors of formation, and treat you. To schedule at Dr. Auger’s West Jordan, UT location, Salt Lake City, UT location, or Sandy, UT location, call us at (801) 619-2170. For more information, visit our website,

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